DecorationsAoMisc.u has a number of decoration objects you can use in your maps. They are found in the
actor hierarchy under Actor->Decoration->AoObject.
These include:
AoBarrel - pushable barrel.
AoBarrelBrown - pushable barrel.
AoBarrelExplosive - pushable barrel, when shot will do a high damage explosion.
AoBarrelRadioactive - pushable barrel, when shot releases a radioactive cloud, which does slow damage over time to anyone nearby.
AoBarrelSteel - pushable barrel.
AoSteelBox - a large, unpushable crate.
AoSteelBoxSmall - a small destroyable crate.
AoCorpseDecoration - this can be used to litter your map with corpses, you can assign it any of the human meshes. There are a choice of 4 death poses. Note, the mesh in the editor will look standing up, but ingame it will show the selected death pose.
AoAlienEgg - Alien eggs will hatch parasites when marines get too close. They can be used for the 'Kill X eggs' mission objectives.