- This can be found under Actor->Decoration->AoObject->AoUsableObject->AoObjectButtonPanel. When the player hacks the AoTurretConsole he will be given
the choice of which AoTurret to activate (the map should have 3 AoTurrets). Each AoTurretConsole has properties for the 3 turrets:
- TriggerTags - the tags for the triggers that are near each turret.
- TurretNames - name of the location of each turret, e.g. "Main Corridor" "Storage Room" etc.
- TurretPics - a picture of each turret location. The picture should be 256 by 192 pixels, but stretched to 256 x 256 when imported into UED (it will get displayed at 256 x 192 ingame).
- MinTechLevel - (under AoObjectButtonPanel category) the tech level required to hack this console, from 1 to 5. On maps later in the campaign, set this number higher. This number is ignored in Single Mission mode.